Atelier sur la dynamique de groupe et la prise de décision collective.
how to organize cohesion and good dynamic in a team to allow collective decisions ? by Marie-Christine Duréault-Thoméré. Dans le cadre du projet Leader Lab de Trans Europe Halles
English version of the text below

Lundi 4 juin 2012

Atelier en anglais •17h30 • Entrée libre
Réservation conseillée sur resa@mainsdoeuvres.org

Douze directeurs de lieux pluridisciplinaires se retrouvent 2 fois par an pour aborder des sujets les concernant allant du management, aux finances an passant par la politique. Ce projet organisé par le réseau européen Trans Europe Halles permet de créer cet espace d’échanges. Nous vous proposons une rencontre avec eux et un intervenant extérieur autour de la thématique de la gouvernance et de la dynamique de groupe.

Leaders Lab is a cross-European leadership training programme. Leaders from 12 independent cultural centres in Nordic/Baltic (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia) and Latin European countries (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy) engage in a process of knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning.

Biographie de Marie-Christine Duréault-Thoméré
Facilitatrice en Gouvernance durable, co-construction, intelligence collective et participation
Musicologue de formation, Marie-Christine Duréault-Thoméré a dirigé pendant 15 ans une structure départementale de développement culturel. Puis elle prend la responsabilité d’un Observatoire régional de la culture au sein de l’établissement public Culture O Centre. Également missionnée au sein de cet établissement pour le développement durable, elle initie et anime le labo « culture et développement durable ». Sur ce sujet, elle impulse également une concertation nationale sous forme de forums ouverts. Après un passage à la direction de l’Ecopôle de la Région Centre, elle crée sa propre activité pour répondre aux besoins d’innovation sociale et culturelle.

English version

Within the framework of the project LEADER LAB by Trans Europe Halles, we organize a workshop on group dynamics and how to make decisions as a group.

How to organize cohesion and good dynamic in a team to allow collective decisions ? by Marie-Christine Duréault-Thoméré

Twelve directors from different multidisciplinary places around Europe are meeting each other two times each year to discuss issues concerning their work in management, finances and politics. The project, organized by the European Trans Europe Halles, creates an arena for exchange. We offer a meeting with them and a guest lecturer on the theme of governance and group dynamics.

Leaders Lab is a cross-European leadership training programme. Leaders from 12 independent cultural centres in Nordic/Baltic (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia) and Latin European countries (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy) engage in a process of knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning.

This workshop is dedicated to leaders of artistics and cultural structures that wonder how to create and maintain a dynamic in their team. A dynamic which allow everyone not to feel alone, to maintain leads between the projects, to create transversality between the different fonctions (administration, communication, project…) and to make everyone contribute to the decisions when it is necessary.
This workshop, given in english, will be axed on practice. The participants will test collective working processes, and facilitator posture.
This workshop will be animated by Marie-Christine Duréault-Thoméré, independant facilitator, initiator of « Culture and sustainability Lab » and of Democratic gouvernance pole.

Biography of Marie-Christine Dureault-Thoméré
Governance facilitator in sustainable, co-construction, collective intelligence and participation
Musicologist-trainer, Marie-Christine Dureault-Thoméré led for 15 years a departmental structure of cultural development. Thereafter, she was responsible for an observation on regional culture within the public institution Culture O Centre. Dureault-Thoméré was also commissioned, within this institution for sustainable development, to take initiates and manages the lab "culture and sustainable development." On this subject, she also organized national meetings in the form of open forums. After some time with the direction of the l’Ecopôle de la Région Centre, she created her own business to meet the needs of social and cultural innovation.