(H)and(s) is at once an installation and a choreographic work, an attempt to feel the world by touching.

(H)and(s) is at once an installation and a choreographic work.

In the pedestrian flood of the metropolis, Clara Cornil has photographed hands, this part of the body often revealing imperceptible and quotidian signs of life and exchange. The installation allows the spectator to circulate among these images, captured in New York, Hanoi, Kinshasa, Kyoto, and Cuenca. Then, he or she is invited onto the stage.

With (H)and(s), she pursues her choreographic interest in body-matter ; touch becomes the springboard for investigation. “A movement of curiosity and abandon, this gesture toward the outside that constructs all that is inside. An other presence is constructed, of listening and resonance, making room. Room for what can happen when a common space opens up between body, sounds, and audience.” – Clara Cornil

Know more about Clara Cornil

Conception Clara Cornil / with Clara Cornil, Anne Journo, Mylène Lauzon, Blandine Minot, Elise Olhandéguy / live music Pierre Fruchard, Lê Quan Ninh / lights Sylvie Garot / Stage and costume design Hop là ! nous vivons (Clédat / Petitpierre) / texts Mylène Lauzon / Installation Clara Cornil, David Subal / Photos and videos Clara Cornil

© Alain Julien